Time-resolved data reduction
Perform 30Hz reduction @param meas_ws_30Hz: Mantid workspace of the data we want to reduce @param ref_ws_30Hz: Mantid workspace of the reference data, take with the same config @param data_60Hz: reduced reference data at 60Hz @param template_data: template data object (for 30Hz) @param scan_index: scan index to use within the template.
Perform 30Hz reduction @param meas_ws_30Hz: workspace of the data we want to reduce @param ref_ws_30Hz: workspace of the reference data, take with the same config @param ref_data_60Hz: file path of the reduce data file at 60Hz @param template_30Hz: file path of the template file for 30Hz @param time_interval: time step in seconds @param scan_index: scan index to use within the template.
Perform time-resolved reduction :param meas_ws: workspace of the data we want to reduce :param template_file: autoreduction template file :param time_interval: time step in seconds :param scan_index: scan index to use within the template. :param theta_value: force theta value :param theta_offset: add a theta offset, defaults to zero